Joy to the world!

Childhood memories.

It’s nice to go back memory lane and remember our childhood. We we’re carefree and we’re not worried of a lot of things.

Sometimes I wonder…

"What’s the feeling of not worrying about anything?"

It’s fun. Joy.

It’s already part of us.

“And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.” – ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:2

He enjoyed His creation on the 7th day.

He enjoyed it. He could have worked, and worked, and worked some more. But he didn’t. He stopped. Took a rest. And enjoyed creation.

Joy is “you”

Joy = You

You are joy!

Every part of you is joy because, it’s made up of everything you are. Your bestest and your worst. It’s what makes you “you”. And it is Joy.

In those fragments and pieces, you find your joy.

May it be Family, your hobbies, food, friends, a loved one, and even your disappointments, sorrows, fears.

Why even the negatives? Because after negatives before joy. Real joy. There is always a rainbow after the storm. Believe that.

How can you be happy?

Truth is I’m an introvert. I can find joy in being alone. But I’m also a people person. I can also find joy in connecting to people. Sadly, it came to the point that I pleased people for joy. That my happiness was based on their happiness.

You know that feeling?

Most especially with events and people that matters to you. With people you trust. Things you enjoy. You are happy. There is joy.

I lacked something. I failed to see real happiness. The joy of being with God. That he is my home. That he constantly makes me happy. It was a choice to see. It is there but I choose to focus on temporary happiness that people could provide. Bottomline is…

Happiness is a choice. And would you choose being happy in God’s presence?

God could have said “what an ugly daughter I have.”

Fat. Skinny. Not beautiful. Dumb. Worthless.


God could have said plenty of those but he choose to see the goodness. He stopped on the 7th day to rest and enjoy His creation. Us. You and me.

He choose happiness.

You can’t just focus on what going wrong, there’s always a way to turn things around to find fun.

What would you choose?

​Choose happiness.

Rey Mark Cristobal